Tuesday 27 December 2011

The Problem

I can't take it anymore.

Throughout my entire life, I've been taught to respect authority and to play by the rules. For the most part, I've let this way of life serve as my ethical guide. I was raised as a Catholic, but being an inquisitive child, I learned that the church didn't have answers that satisfied my need for a deeper understanding of why things were the way they were. The Catholic church is, as are most religions, a house of cards - and the glue that holds them together is fear. Fear of punishment in the afterlife, or of something similar. Scare tactics work well for most people, and this is why religion is so important in our world. But these scare tactics are very easy to see through for anyone that is willing to ask questions and hear answers that they don't want to hear. Being religious has become a virtue in our society - and ideally this would be a very positive thing - but instead this virtue has been transformed into power by the people that have set forward to ruin the world.

The central banks are to blame. Conspiracy theorists can tell you a lot more about them than I can. They have ideas based on world domination, that are rooted in the 1800's. The endgame is of little concern to me - whether it was architected in the 1800's as a plan to dominate the global currency and establish a single world government, or if it was a short-sighted plan to make themselves rich. In either case, the result is oppression of the masses. They achieve this by enslaving us to debt. It's a brilliant plan, and none have mastered it quite as well as the US. They've used wars, other systems of government, and religious and racial strife to further their position - all of these serving as justification for their implementation of economic control. They've used these struggles also as a justification for the development of their military. The inquisitive mind is at a disadvantage against those who control the central banks, since they do have valid answers to their questions. Their genius is in hiding their true endgame behind a legitimate lesser purpose.

What I can't take anymore, is living in a world that is being treated like a whore by these short-sighted few that seek to establish economic and military control over the world. Anyone that owes any money to a bank is a victim of this crime. For those in under-developed countries, where bank loans are not readily available, they are being forced to sell or give away their natural resources in exchange for minimalistic recompense. Individually, we are powerless against them. Even united in large groups, we are powerless against them. The recent Occupy Wall Street movements that have been taking place around the world have been noticed, but have resulted in little change to date. Most have been disbanded. For those that continue, I'm hopeful that they will affect change - but I'm not optimistic. Their message is right though, and their efforts should be supported.

I will never give any credit to Hitler for anything he did, but he was a brilliant social engineer. For anyone to be able to inspire masses of people to commit the atrocities that he did is truly an accomplishment, and a study in social engineering. It will take this type of effort to bring the people together - not just in the US, but across the globe - to bring an end to the tyranny that most of the world is subject to. The end state of the financial system is near, and unless we can do something to set it straight, conditions will worsen, and the hole that we have to dig ourselves out of will be that much deeper.

We must inspire each other to unite toward a common goal - change.

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